Maps of Iceland

Maps of Iceland – Posters and framed prints

Map book containing 1:250.000 scale maps of the central highlands of Iceland. On the maps you’ll find all highland roads and jeep trails, 215 points of interest in the highlands (with descriptions in English), and all cabins in the highlands.

In the map book Miðhálendi Íslands (Central Highlands of Iceland), in addition to the maps themselves, you can find information about more than 200 interesting places on the highlands and on roads adjacent to highland roads. Information about these places of interest is obtained from the Icelandic Tourist Board. Each place is discussed in Icelandic and English, and the coordinates of each place are specified. In addition, you can see a list of 116 cabins on the highlands with detailed location coordinates.

Scale of maps: 1:250.000

Size: 53 pages in size A4 (29,7 x 21 cm)

This map book is for informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the maps and related information contained herein, the publisher makes no warranties, express or implied, as to their completeness, accuracy, reliability or fitness for any particular purpose. Users are advised to exercise caution, independently verify information and use their best judgment when relying on the maps for travel or decision making. The publisher is not responsible for any errors, omissions or consequences arising from the use of these cards. Maps may not reflect real-time data or changes in geographic features. Users are fully responsible for their actions based on the information provided in this book. The publisher of this book is therefore not responsible for direct or indirect damages due to the use of the information presented in the book except to the extent that may be covered by the Liability for Damages Act No. 25/1991.


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