Maps of Iceland

Maps of Iceland – Posters and framed prints

Discover Memorable Gifts with Personalized Map Art

framed map

Gift-giving can be a challenging task, particularly when seeking something unique and meaningful for loved ones who cherish travel and exploration. Personalized map art presents a charming and versatile solution, offering an opportunity to celebrate experiences, friendships, and unforgettable moments shared amongst those dearest to us. At the Maps of Iceland, our diverse collection of map prints and framed map posters can be tailored and customized to create truly memorable gifts that resonate with the hearts of travel lovers and cartography enthusiasts.

In this blog post, we will delve into the emotional significance and lasting impact of personalized map art as gifts, unveiling the customizable options available to cater to an array of tastes and interests. We will also explore the potential of creating thematic personalized map art collections, from captivating cityscapes to serene landscapes, and provide expert guidance for crafting map prints or framed posters with confidence and ease. Join us as we journey through the enchanting world of customizable cartography and discover the perfect gift-giving solution for your loved ones, available exclusively at the Maps of Iceland.

The Emotional Value and Significance of Personalized Map Art Gifts

Celebrate meaningful moments, treasured memories, and personal connections with customized map art.

1. A Gift That Tells a Story

Personalized map art serves as a visual narrative celebrating travel experiences, cherished locations, and unforgettable milestones in a unique and memorable way, making them more meaningful and personal than a generic gift.

2. A Connection to Shared Passions and Interests

When gifting personalized map art to travel enthusiasts and cartography lovers, you create a lasting connection through shared passions, fostering a stronger bond between the giver and the recipient.

3. A Lasting Keepsake

Custom map prints or framed posters not only make a beautiful addition to the recipient’s living space but also serve as a lasting keepsake that will remind them of cherished memories and the thoughtful person who gifted it.

Customizing with Confidence: Options Available at the Maps of Iceland

Explore the various customization opportunities available to suit diverse tastes, interests, and preferences.

1. Styling Your Map

Choose from a range of distinctive styles, including watercolor, vintage, minimalist, and topographic, to create personalized map art that resonates with the recipient’s aesthetic preferences.

2. Fine-Tuning the Location

Select the geographic location or area that holds significance in the recipient’s heart, encompassing a variety of scales from an entire country to a specific neighborhood or favorite destination.

3. Adding Personal Touches

Incorporate personalized elements such as names, memorable dates, or meaningful quotations to make the gift uniquely tailored to the recipient and enhance its emotional impact.

Building Themed Personalized Map Art Collections

Unleash your creativity and curate a thematic map art collection that embodies particular interests, travel experiences, or personal connections.

1. World Traveler Collection

For individuals with a penchant for globe-trotting, create a collection of personalized map art depicting the various cities or countries they have visited or a bucket list of dream destinations.

2. Natural Beauty and Landscapes

Nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate a personalized map art collection showcasing breathtaking landscapes, national parks, or favorite hiking destinations.

3. Urban Minimalist

For those drawn to modern cityscapes, consider a minimalist map art collection that highlights the architectural marvels and urban design of their favorite cities in a sleek and contemporary style.

Expert Tips for Crafting the Perfect Personalized Map Gift

Create custom map prints or framed posters with ease, following these essential tips for customization success.

1. Visual Balance and Clarity

Ensure a balanced design by selecting an appropriate zoom level to maintain details and clarity while not overwhelming the viewer with too much information.

2. Color Coordination

Consider the recipient’s color preferences or the existing décor in their living space when choosing the color scheme of the personalized map art to ensure it complements their environment.

3. Quality Materials for Longevity

Invest in high-quality materials, such as archival-quality paper and framing materials, to ensure your personalized map art gift remains in pristine condition for years to come.


Gifting personalized map art from the Maps of Iceland offers the perfect opportunity to express your love and appreciation for travel lovers and cartography enthusiasts while creating a meaningful and lasting connection through shared interests and cherished memories. With an array of customization options and themes, you can effortlessly create a unique and thoughtfully curated gift that will delight and captivate the recipient, making a timeless addition to their living space and serving as a treasured reminder of special moments and the thoughtful individual who gifted it.

Begin your journey into the world of personalized map art at the Maps of Iceland. Select from our map store’s diverse collection of map prints and framed posters, and customize your gift with confidence and ease. Create a memorable, one-of-a-kind gift that will be cherished for years to come.

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