Maps of Iceland

Maps of Iceland – Posters and framed prints

Antique Maps of Iceland: Understanding the Past and Present

woman reading a map

Iceland has a rich history and culture; vintage maps can provide valuable insights into its past. These maps offer a glimpse into how Iceland was perceived and understood by early explorers and cartographers. They can reveal information about the land’s geography, geology, and topography, as well as the time’s political, social, and economic conditions.

In this article, we’ll discuss what you can learn from antique maps of Iceland and how they can help you understand the country’s history and culture.

Icelandic Geography and Topography

One of the most important things you can learn from vintage maps of Iceland is the country’s geography and topography. 

These maps can provide information about the location of cities, towns, and villages and the size and shape of mountains, rivers, and lakes. They can also show the location of glaciers, hot springs, and other geological features.

For example, an antique map of Iceland and Europe from the 17th century shows that the country is divided into four central regions: Nordurland, Austurland, Vesturland, and Suðurland. Each region is divided into smaller areas, such as Skagafjörður and Eyjafjörður in Norðurland and Borgarfjörður and Breiðafjörður in Vesturland.

The map also shows the location of several rivers, including the Jokulsa a Fjollum and the Skjalfandafljot, as well as several mountains, such as Hekla and Eyjafjallajökull.

Political and Social Conditions

Vintage maps of Iceland can also provide insights into the political and social conditions of the time. For example, a map from the 16th century shows that Iceland was under the control of the Danish crown and was divided into two main regions: the northern and southern districts. 

The map also shows the location of several important churches and monasteries, such as the Cathedral of Skalholt and the Monastery of Thingeyrar.

Moreover, these maps can reveal information about the population of Iceland and the distribution of settlements. For example, a map from the 18th century shows that Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, was a small town with only a few hundred residents. The map also shows the location of several other towns and villages, such as Hafnarfjordur, Keflavik, and Akureyri.

Economic Conditions

An antique Iceland Europe map can also provide insights into the country’s economic conditions. For example, a map from the 17th century shows that Iceland was an essential center for fishing and whaling. The map shows the location of several fishing villages and whaling stations, such as Hafnarfjordur and Isafjordur.

These maps can also reveal information about the time’s trade routes and transportation networks. For example, a map from the 18th century shows the location of several ports and harbors, such as Reykjavik Harbor and Hafnarfjordur Harbor. The map also shows the location of several roads and trails, such as the road between Reykjavik and Thingvellir.

Changes Over Time

Antique maps of Iceland can also show how the country has changed over time. For example, a map from the 19th century shows that Reykjavik had grown considerably since the 18th century and was now a bustling city with several thousand residents. 

The map also shows the location of several new buildings and landmarks, such as the National Museum of Iceland and the University of Iceland.

These maps can also show how the landscape of Iceland has changed over time. For example, a map from the 20th century shows that several glaciers had receded and that the coastline had changed due to erosion and volcanic activity.


Vintage maps of Iceland offer a wealth of information about the country’s history and culture. By studying these maps, you can better understand Iceland’s past and how it has shaped the country we know today. Whether you are a historian, geographer, or simply a lover of maps, antique maps of Iceland are a fascinating and valuable resource.

Are you looking for detailed and accurate Maps of Iceland? Look no further than our online map store! Our collection includes everything you need to explore this beautiful country, from detailed road maps to topographical maps of its stunning natural landscapes. Shop your antique maps in Iceland today! 

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